the 5th bus driver care day came to an end. gree altairnano helped create a "humane bus" model > gree altairnano new energy inc. > news > industry news >-mg冰球突破巨额大奖

the 5th bus driver care day came to an end. gree altairnano helped create a "humane bus" model > gree altairnano new energy inc. > news > industry news >-mg冰球突破巨额大奖

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the 5th bus driver care day came to an end. gree altairnano helped create a "humane bus" model

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date:2023-08-29  article source:

a few days ago, series activities of the national public transportation enterprise’s modernization governance seminar and the 5th "5·20" national bus driver care day were grandly held. as one of the "5·20 care day" series’ activities, zhuhai public transportation’s "job training & technology tournament" skill competition at the same time entered into the final round, using gree altairnano new energy’s star model dolphin bus as the designated vehicle for the skill competition.

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